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Play Ball To Get Fit

Play Ball To Get Fit

Chances are if you’ve stepped foot in a gym or watched a television fitness program in the past year then you’ve seen the “big balls”. You’ve probably wondered what all the fuss is about. Well, they may look like something found on a children’s playground, but don’t be deceived. These balls offer one of the best methods for strengthening your abdominals and core.

That is why the fitness industry is jumping on the ball bandwagon. According to the 2003 Idea Fitness Programs and Equipment Survey, 89 percent of IDEA businesses were offering balls to their customers and 71 percent had added ball group fitness classes in 2003.

Find it hard to believe that simply sitting, rolling or bouncing on a big inflatable ball can make you more fit? Read on to learn just how effective ball fitness can be.

While they are somewhat of a new craze in the public domain, the ball (commonly known as stability ball, fitness ball, Swiss ball, physio ball, etc) was used as early as the 1960s. It originally was used by physical therapists to assist with rehabilitation.

But, the ball is far more versatile and valuable then simply for re-hab use. It is a very inexpensive piece of equipment that offers a total body workout while also improving your balance. There are literally hundreds of different exercises that can be used with the ball. And, both beginners and advanced exercisers can benefit from it. Plus, children to seniors can use it.

What makes this piece of fitness equipment so uniquely effective? It works multiple muscles at one time while forcing your body to balance itself. This creates a very effective and challenging workout. For example, lying on a bench to perform tricep extensions is a good exercise but it’s limited to working primarily just the triceps. However, perform that same move on a stability ball and you have created an unstable environment. Additional muscles are activated that work to keep you balanced on the ball. That means you are now working harder and essentially getting more bang for your buck while not increasing your exercise time.

So, if you haven’t already gotten on the ball, it’s time to give it a try. You may think that your workout already provides everything you need but chances are you are focusing the majority of your exercise time on the lower body. It is essential to concentrate fitness time on your core, which is responsible for stabilizing the rest of your body. Having a strong core improves your performance in all activities, not just exercise but also daily activities like carrying groceries. The ball can help improve your posture, balance, and core strength. Virtually every exercise performed on the ball works your core area. And, yes, it can even help you get that sought-after six-pack!

Before you try out the ball be sure to choose the right size and firmness. The harder the ball is then the more difficult the exercise move will be. Therefore, beginners should probably choose a ball that is softer (e.g. not overly inflated). Also, it is important to choose the right size based on your height. The ball manufacturer or your fitness center can provide height guidelines.

As previously mentioned, the ball can be used for a total body workout. With the ball you can work your legs, arms, chest, back, abdominals and you can even get a cardio workout by doing such moves as sitting jumping jacks. Below are a few examples of the types of exercises that can be done with the stability ball.

Oblique Twist:
Begin lying with ball resting under your back. Place hands behind head for support. Using your abdominal muscles slowly raise up lifting your shoulder blades off of the ball and rotate left shoulder toward right hip. Do not strain neck by pulling on it with hands. Keep elbows out to your side. Return to starting position and repeat then switch sides.

Chest Fly:
Lie across the ball with your head and shoulders supported on the ball and your legs bent with heals about two feet from ball. Extend arms overhead with palms facing away from you. Slowly separate your arms in a circular motion and bend your elbows slightly as lower your arms down and rotate your palms to face each other. Return to start position and repeat.

Squat Against Wall:
Lean your back against a ball that is placed against a wall and stand with your feet hip-width apart and about a foot away from the wall. Keep your back in a straight position. Bend your knees and let the ball roll up your back until your knees bend to about a 90 degree angle. Keep your knees behind your toes as you bend. Return to start position and repeat. 

Fitness Wars: Revenge of the Girth

Fitness Wars: Revenge of the Girth

As of the writing of this article, May 16, 2005, we are all almost 5 months into our New Year's Resolutions.
Are you skinny yet?
Did you find your six-pack?
Does your butt look like you wanted it to in those jeans?

For a lot of you, the answers to these questions are going to be "No, No, and, I took the jeans back to the store".

Why? You are a victim of the Fitness Wars, that's why. Your Girth is winning out over your Resolution, and you are probably more frustrated now than you were when you started!

Is there some master conspiracy that is keeping you from getting in shape? Do the rules of energy in vs. energy out not apply to you? Are you in a fat-loss vacuum where the normal laws of weight loss don't work?

Of course not. Yet, you still can't lose the bodyfat, and it is likely because you are simply confused.

If you are like most people, you have gotten fitness advice from the radio, TV, friends, family members, magazines, maybe even a Personal Trainer. Who had the most to gain from giving you fitness advice?

The radio, TV, magazines, and even your trainer are all interested in getting paid for handing out advice to you. Does that make them the most qualified to help you? With the possible exception of your personal trainer, no, it really doesn't.

What about your friends and family? Let's answer this question first: Was the person who gave you the advice in good shape? If not, then the point of that question should be clear!

Fitness Wars - all of these different people and agencies trying to get you to do something or buy something.

How about a little thing that some people like to call "Back to Basics"? Prepare Thyself! You are about to be shown the true secrets to fitness success!!
  1. Proper Nutrition. For those of you who don't know what that is, a good rule of thumb is that if man made it, don't eat it! If that isn't enough information for you, then consult a professional nutritionist, or do free research online. If you pay a professional, make sure they are properly credentialed. If you do the research yourself, don't believe what you find if that site is obviously more interested in your money than in your health.
  2. Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. You say that you've heard this a thousand times already? Well, that should tell you something - it works! Your body is a calorie burning machine. If you are an average female, you can only burn about 300 calories at a time. An average male can burn about 400. It doesn't matter how much you exercise - if you eat more than that during any one sitting, some of it is going to be stored as bodyfat.
  3. Exercise - at least 60 minutes a day. It doesn't matter what the magazines say, or what you hear on the "1-Second Abs" commercial, or who tells you anything else. Exercise - at least 60 minutes a day. It bears repeating, so feel free at this time to keep saying it out loud until you feel that you have it memorized.
  4. Believe. This final step is really the most important. Most people have self-limiting beliefs. In a nutshell, that means that no matter how much education or assistance that they receive, they don't BELIEVE that they can lose weight! Let's see…. how does that saying go? "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right!" Believe it can happen, because it can. Then you will be only 3 short steps away from success.

Wow, what a revelation this article has been! In fewer words than it takes to list the dozens of unhealthy circumstances and afflictions related to being overweight, you have just been given a guaranteed 4-step system for fitness success!

Are you willing to take care of yourself and finally meet those fitness goals, or do you have another 5 months to waste?

Do yourself this one small favor. Count to four, beat the Girth, and remember that January 1st is just another day! 

Home Exercise Equipment – Choosing the Proper Equipment For Your Workout Routine

Home Exercise Equipment – Choosing the Proper Equipment For Your Workout Routine

The fitness industry has become big business as more and more people work out to get in shape. Many companies have gotten onboard the bandwagon, and the number of different types and brands of home exercise equipment available is amazing. While it is great to have options, trying to figure out which piece of home fitness equipment is right for you can be an overwhelming process. One way to help manage all this information is to identify what type of exercise or training you plan to do. Add in other factors such as your personal fitness level, budget, and space available and pick the equipment that best fits your criteria.

What Is Your Goal?
Before purchasing an exercise bike, treadmill or other type of home fitness equipment, it is important to decide what it is you hope to accomplish. Are you trying to lose weight? Perhaps you want to get in shape, tone your muscles? Maybe you want a good cardio workout? Or you may have several of these results in mind. Exercise equipment varies in its effectiveness in certain areas and by knowing what you want from your workout, you will be able to focus on those that do what you want.

Assess your Fitness Level
Also do an assessment of your comfort level with different types of exercise or movement. Do you have weak knees or a bad back? Would you rather sit than stand? How is your balance? Each type of home fitness equipment requires you to use different posture and movements and you don’t want to pick something that will cause injury or irritate an existing condition. You also don’t want equipment that is uncomfortable to use because it will be difficult to stick to your routine.

Space Considerations
The fact is, if you live in a small apartment or have limited space in your home, you may not have room for a large piece of equipment like a home gym or weight sets. Many pieces of equipment fold up for storage, but if you have to move the coffee table or love seat every time you want to fold out the treadmill, you are less likely to exercise on a regular basis.

What’s In Your Wallet?
Some exercise equipment can be quite expensive, especially for a quality product. On the other hand, you can purchase some equipment off TV ads or special promotions for a very reasonable price, but does the stuff really work? And will it last for more than a few weeks? Most experts recommend that you wait to purchase home fitness equipment until you can afford to purchase something that has good customer satisfaction ratings and is made by a respected fitness equipment manufacturer. Also be aware that some types of equipment cost more than others and may not fit your needs or your budget no matter how long you save.

Consider Your Choices
Once you have assessed your needs and situation, you can evaluate the different types of equipment against your criteria.

Exercise bikes have been around for decades and have improved in design and function over the years. They have been proven to provide weight loss and health benefits if used consistently and correctly. They offer a good cardio workout as well, while limiting impact and injury to knees and other leg joints. They typically do not fold up and can tend to take up space. Exercise bikes fall in the economy or moderate range for price in comparison to other types of home fitness equipment, although some can be quite expensive, especially if they are computerized.

Recumbent exercise bikes, which put users in a slightly reclined position, place less stress on the back and knees but tend to cost more. Some people find the position and motion uncomfortable if they are used to traditional bike riding.

Treadmills are another type of fitness equipment that has been around for some time. They also provide a good cardio workout if properly used, and many come with built in features such as an adjustable platform and computerized workout to help enhance the effects of your exercise routine. There is some jarring and joint stress involved with running, on a treadmill or other surface, so this equipment may not be a good choice for those with knee and hip concerns.

Some treadmills fold up for storage, making them a good choice for those with limited space. Treadmills run the gamut in price range, and can usually fit in any budget, but in most cases you get what you pay for and a very inexpensive model may not be safe or effective.

Elliptical trainers are the latest craze in home fitness equipment. They provide the exercise benefits of walking or running while eliminating the impact on hips, knees, or ankles. This can be good for those with injuries or weakness in those areas. But others who are concerned about building or maintaining bone density may prefer a different type of equipment.

Some elliptical machines fold up to save space when not in use. They generally fall in the mid to higher price range compared to other types of fitness equipment, and again, price often reflects quality.

A stair stepper provides another choice for those who want to burn calories and get a good cardio workout with reduced impact to knees and hips. Stepping height can be adjusted to accommodate different body sizes and fitness levels, however, it can be easy to put too much stress on ankles and back when using a stair stepper. Both size and price are in the moderate range.

Some people prefer the variety and intensity provided by a home gym or weight training station. People are more likely to exercise if they have several different options to choose from, and a selection of different or adjustable equipment provides the opportunity to target all areas of the body. However, home gyms tend to take up more space than other equipment and will almost always cost more for quality equipment. It may also be important to have instructions before using some features of the gym to avoid injury.

There are many other types of home fitness equipment, including free weights, ski machines, ab machines, and hybrids like exercise riders. Be sure to research a piece of equipment before buying and avoid those that make claims that sound too good to be true – they probably are.

Many fitness experts and trainers recommend that you try out a piece of equipment before purchasing to be sure it feels comfortable. If buying online, try to find a gym or exercise store that has the equipment and give it a test ride. Most companies charge shipping and handling to return online orders if you return an item for reasons other than manufacturer defects or damage.

With all the choices for home fitness equipment available, you are sure to find a machine that fits your needs and budget. It just takes a bit of realistic planning. 

Avoid Common Fitness Pitfalls

Avoid Common Fitness Pitfalls

While exercising isn’t complicated, it’s very easy to make mistakes. Often times the mistakes are made because of lack of proper technique training or simply due to rushing to get the workout completed. Regardless of the reason for the mistakes, they can lead to injuries or at the very least be counter-productive to your fitness goals.

Of course it’s important to know specifically what to do to be successful at meeting your health and fitness goals but it is also crucial to understand what not to do. So take note of the following common mistakes and how to avoid them. These tips will help ensure your workout time is effective and help prevent injuries.

Too Much, Too Soon
Many new exercisers try to lose weight or tone up too quickly, by exercising too frequently or trying exercise programs that are too difficult for their fitness level. Be sure to start with an exercise plan that takes your current fitness regimen (or lack of) into account.

Pie In The Sky Goals
Despite what many advertisers would like you to believe, it’s unrealistic to think you can lose 30 pounds in 30 days or that you can have Hollywood abs simply by doing 10 minutes of crunches a day. It’s good to set goals but be sure they aren’t too aggressive and realize it’s okay to periodically re-define them.

Ignoring Expert Advice
It’s always advisable to consult your physician before starting an exercise program. Working with a fitness professional is also a good idea so you can learn proper technique, the latest fitness information and learn how to avoid injuries.

If you start to feel overwhelmed, neglect important daily activities in order to workout or repeatedly get injured, then it might be due to exercising too frequently. Realize the importance of balance and that more is not always better. Consider reducing the frequency of your workouts or the intensity of some of them and periodically resting for a few days or a week.

Improper Breathing
Sure, breathing is an involuntary bodily function; something that most individuals tend to ignore. But, breathing correctly during fitness sessions is very important. Incorrect breathing can lead to lack of oxygen and even faintness. When working out ensure that you don’t breathe too shallowly and try to breathe through the nose and out the mouth.

Selecting The Wrong Size
Choosing the proper weight size when strength training is trickier then it sounds. Lifting weights that are too heavy for you can lead to improper form and ultimately to injuries. Use weights that are too light and the exercise session can be ineffective. If possible consult a fitness trainer to determine the correct amount of weight for your size, strength and goals. A trainer can also help you develop a plan for safely progressing forward on weight sizes.

Not Staying Hydrated
Drinking enough water on a daily basis is important. When you exercise you need to consume even more water. You should drink 16 ounces for every hour of exercise you complete. Plus you should try to consume 1-2 cups of water about 30 minutes before you begin working out.

Eating Too Little
No, that’s not a typo. Not eating enough can be as detrimental as eating too much. When the body is not fed consistently, it goes into a starvation mode. Five to six smaller meals evenly spaced throughout the day helps keep the metabolism running smoothly. Just be sure to control portion size.

Hanging Out Instead Of Working Out
Just showing up at the gym is not going to help you get more fit. Socializing while leaning on a weight machine won’t build muscles. It’s important to enjoy your exercise time but make sure that the focus remains on physical activity.

Fixating On The Scale
If you think the scale doesn’t lie, consider this. Many professional athletes would be considered obese based on their weight alone. Look at the bigger and more relevant picture. Monitor your body fat percentage, if possible. Otherwise track measurements. Also don’t underestimate the importance of improved physical and mental well-being. 

Sears treadmill

Sears treadmill

s are very famous. Sears treadmills offer an excellent way to enjoy the benefits of fitness and exercise equipment in individuals very own home without paying a fortune.

Sears treadmills can be bought for commercial or residential use. All of the Sears treadmills bought for home use come with a lifetime warranty for the electronics, motor, belt, deck, frame and a one year labor warranty.

Sears is one of the leading retailer and seller in treadmill equipments. Lifestyler, Proform, Nordic Track, etc are some of the treadmill models which are sold by Sears.

With a Sears treadmill, users can enjoy quality, reliability, and affordability. Users will be able to jog off by simply hopping on their Sears treadmill and can enjoy a mini-workout. Sears offers the perfect treadmill to suit the lifestyle, budget and fitness level of users.

Purchasing Sears treadmill for home use is becoming one of the most well liked options for exercise. Sears treadmill is a solution to enable people to find time to exercise during their hectic schedules. Sears treadmill enables users to save their gym, health and fitness club fees as well as avoid going outdoors during rainy or winter seasons.

The first and primary benefit of Sears treadmill is ease. It is easier to work out on the Sears treadmill at home, because it saves lots of time, which consume going to the gym. Sears treadmills are helpful when users have hectic schedules. Whatever be the weather conditions (rainy or winter) users can enjoy their workout at their own home with the help of Sears treadmill.

Sears treadmill has an incredible cardiovascular value to users heart and lungs and aides in fat-loss and weight reduction.

Users have to be very careful while selecting a Sears treadmill. Users must make sure that the model they select meets all the specifications they need, including the space they have at their home for the treadmill equipment.

With Sears exercise equipment, such as the Proform Sears treadmill, users can enjoy fitness and exercise at a really affordable price. Users can look forward to the convenience of a home workout on a high quality Sears treadmill. Sears treadmills are available at affordable prices and users can find suitable one for themselves as per their budget limits.

With the Proform treadmill from Sears, users will enjoy reliability, total peace of mind, enjoy exercising and increases fitness without the worry of continual problems or lack of quality. The low price of these treadmills enables users to enjoy years of worry-free fitness and they won’t have to shell out on gym membership costs to enjoy exercise and fitness equipment.

Sears most popular treadmill is the Proform Crosswalk 345S model which features 2HP motor and costs about $499.

Users can enjoy the modern yet easy to use features of Sears treadmills. Exercising on a Sears treadmill will improve users health and fitness in many ways. Individuals will get a real value on their treadmill as well as enjoy home delivery with Sears online treadmill order facility. 

6 Keys To Getting Maximum Results In Minimum Time With Your Home Exercise Equipment

6 Keys To Getting Maximum Results In Minimum Time With Your Home Exercise Equipment

I used to love going to the gym. The sounds, the smells, the grunts, the groans. Nothing seemed more inspiring. Then life got in the way. I got busy. Very busy.

Working with my fitness clients and athletes took up a lot of time, and frankly, I wasn’t too thrilled about taking the time to drive to the gym anymore. I do have a life, you know. Then there was the fight for parking not to mention the fact that I had to wait to use the equipment while someone else finished up his or her workout. I didn’t really like the music they played so loud I had to shout over it so my training partner could hear me, and the sales staff was constantly hounding me for referrals.

But I have to tell you about my new favorite place in the world to workout. My home studio. In fact, I like it so much that I recommend that everyone train at home if a gym membership isn’t up your alley. It’s got everything in it that I want, and everything that I need to successfully train. AND get this it didn’t cost me an arm and a leg.

Training at home has been so successful for me and some of my clients, I’ve set up an online facility that will allow me to personal train anyone in their home. You can give it a look at www.thebodymatrix.com. The greatest part about it is you don’t even need equipment if you don’t have any. Bodyweight workouts are phenomenal for conditioning and weight loss. Obviously, if your goals are more specialized, some equipment may be necessary.

Consider this. How much do you have to spend each year for a health club or gym membership? Now add up all the years you’ve gone to the gym and all the years you will go to the gym for the rest of your life. That’s a big chunk of change! When you think about it, it makes total sense to buy your own equipment and do it at home.

There’s no drive to the gym. No waiting. No annoying sales people. You can listen to the music that you want to (or put a TV in the gym for cardio training). Oh, and the best part is that it’s always open. Want to get in a good workout on Christmas day. You can.

Here’s the tricky part. You can’t just go out and buy whatever equipment seems popular on TV or in magazines. Do that and you’ll be unhappy in less than a month. You need a plan to determine what you need in the way of equipment to successfully achieve your fitness goals.

The following 6 points are MUSTS if you want to save time, money, and maximize your success in a minimum of time.

  1. Define your personal fitness goals as specifically as you can. For any fitness-related goal there are a number of methods you can use to be successful, but first you have to know where you’re going. Do you want to get stronger? Do you want to build muscles? Lose weight or reduce your body fat? Increase endurance? Reduce stress? Are you preparing for a sport? All the above? Without knowing that you could end up spending more money than you need to on equipment that you’ll never fully utilize. Not to mention you may fail in your attempts to achieve your goals.
  2. How much space are you willing to devote to your home gym? If you’ve only got a 5 x 5 space at home, you’re really going to have to be efficient. Don’t expect to fit large pieces of fitness equipment into such a small space. Be realistic. Maybe it’s time to clear out the room you’re using for storage or that corner of the garage that is just wasted space. Maybe you’ve got some space, but you’ll need to make your gym a little more portable so you can store it away when it’s not in use.
  3. Familiarize yourself with your options on types and brands of exercise equipment. Find out what you’ll be comfortable with. Would you invest in a house or car without looking at several options or a test drive? Remember, this is an investment in you. There are all types of equipment from treadmills and crosstrainers, to selectorized weight equipment, to barbells and dumbbells. Check out equipment on the Internet or in catalogues. Stop by the exercise equipment retailers and actually see it and even try it out before you even consider buying. Believe me this is time well spent. When the time comes to discuss equipment with the appropriate person, be it a salesperson or a fitness professional, you won’t be completely in the dark when it comes to determining your wants and needs and end up buying something you hate or won’t use.
  4. Consult with a fitness professional. Take advantage of a professionals “in the trenches experience” and educational background when it comes to matching your fitness-related goals with selecting the appropriate equipment for you. Again, this saves you time and money by preventing you from wasting money on useless or poorly designed equipment. You may also find that your fitness professional may have relationships with fitness equipment retailers which will allow you to buy your equipment at a discount.
  5. Always buy top quality equipment from a reputable retailer. Yes, it costs more money, but as the saying goes, “You get what you pay for”. This is so true when it comes to exercise equipment. Avoid the temptation of trying to save a couple dollars by buying equipment that may not be up to your required standards. Buying top quality equipment will last you a lifetime. If you have any doubt, compare how much you have or could have spent on gym memberships over your lifetime with the cost of your new fitness equipment. I have no doubt that you will always spend less money on your home gym than you ever would by purchasing a lifetime of gym memberships.
  6. Utilize local retailers as much as you can. While it may seem logical to save money by purchasing equipment online or via a catalogue, shipping charges on fitness equipment can be outrageous. You end up spending more than if you shopped at your neighborhood retailer. There is also an issue of maintenance. Even the best equipment can experience the occasional breakdown. Try getting a mail-order company to service your equipment. It’s not easy. Your local retailer can usually resolve your problems in no time at all.

There you have it. These recommendations will help you tremendously. Please keep in mind that it’s just not as easy as it seems, but it is worth the extra time especially when you’re making such a serious investment in yourself. That’s why I encourage you to seek the help of a fitness professional.

If you’re sick, you go to the doctor. If you’ve got a tax problem, you see an accountant (or an attorney!). Have a toothache? You’re off to the dentist. Leaky pipes result in a call to the plumber. So why is it that so many people attempt to solve their health and fitness problems without consulting an expert? I don’t know exactly, but I encourage you to make the investment in yourself – in your quality of life – by hiring a qualified professional to educate you and help you get started.

If I can be of any assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to call me. I’m happy to speak with you and give you my recommendations without any sales pressure (I hate it when people try to “sell” me, so I wouldn’t try that on you).

What's So Important About The Consumer Reports Treadmill Best Buy?

What's So Important About The Consumer Reports Treadmill Best Buy?

Every buyer wants to know the Consumer Reports treadmill Best Buy. Consumer Reports is perhaps the most respected of consumer product testing organizations due to their independent and nonprofit status and their expert testing. Their consumer report rating treadmills can be found in publication and online at ConsumerReports.org.

Consumer Reports grades on an overall score to determine its Best treadmill and also suggests four treadmill Best Buy models that combine good value with quality.

The Best Treadmill For You

With product information, tips on buying, and a discussion on testing results, Consumer Reports most recent treadmill rating in January 2005 tested 22 treadmills from about 16 manufacturers, including Proform, Nordic Track, Weslo, and Image, all Icon Health and Fitness Companies, as well as Landice, True, Precor, Horizon, Life Fitness, Vision Fitness, Schwinn, Smooth Fitness, Keys Fitness, Trimline, Spirit, and Nautilus.

Consumer Reports does not break down its treadmill reports by price range, as is often the case in other organizations' reviews, so their Best treadmill, at almost $3000, is not likely to be the best treadmill for you, but they do suggest four Best Buys, all in the $1300-1800 price range. Ratings are provided for all tested models, however, and that's where you should begin.

A cautionary note: Consumer Reports was disappointed in the number of machines that had problems in this treadmill rating--an ominous change from their last treadmill reports in February 2004. With the exception of higher-priced models with the kind of warranties you should expect, they recommend an extended warranty. That's something they almost never do.